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Whose Fault Is It Anyway: A Metaphysical Perspective on Oscar Night
Philosopher and theologian Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said "We are not human beings learning to have a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings learning to have a human experience." If we believe this to be true then we have a responsibility to respond to life situations in rational, humane, and compassionate ways and do everything we can to avoid demonizing people.
In this episode, Leona and Matthew discuss the incident between Will Smith and Chris Rock at the 2022 Oscar Award Ceremony and examine ways in which we can go beyond polarized thinking and condemnation of others to a greater level of understanding and maturity. We will also discuss how our condemnation of others is in direct relation to the condemnation we feel for ourselves and our own humanity. The harder we judge others the more intolerant we are of our own shadow or dark side. This is why learning to become fully human is the only way we can ever understand what it means to fully accept ourselves and others as a work in progress.