Get Off Your Affirmation!

Choices and Changes

Leona Evans Season 1 Episode 11

Too often we find ourselves going into denial when faced with a difficult challenge. If we feel inadequate and unable to deal with the issue we (unconsciously) minimize it so it appears less threatening. Unfortunately, this can create serious consequences. Something that might have been taken care of in the beginning (if we felt strong enough to do so) eventually escalates into a major crisis. We see evidence of this in our world today.

 If we ever expect to make real and lasting changes in the world we need to begin by making changes in the way we see ourselves.

The truth is, we are much more powerful than we believe ourselves to be. In spite of our fears and insecurities, we are inherently good by nature and worthy of living life to the fullest. This means that each of us has, within us, sufficient resources to make our way through the greatest of challenges.

During this critical time, as we choose to accept the power and potential within us, we become more able to deal with difficulties as they come along. We find innovative ways to express ourselves while feeling capable of doing what is ours to do. This is the way positive and lasting change comes about. It is our choice!